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Minister-President: Jan Jambon (N-VA) · Governing parties: N-VA, CD&V, Open VLD
Legislative elections: Flemish Parliament, 5-year term, 124 seats, 5% threshold (constituency-based), party-list PR:

  2024 2019 2014 2009
Party Ideology % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats
Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA)
New Flemish Alliance
Liberal conservatism 
23,9 31 24,8 35 31,9 43 13,1 16
Vlaams Belang (VB)
Flemish Interest
Right-wing populism
22,7 31 18,5 23 5,9 6 15,3 21
Vooruit (VOORUIT)
Forward (a)
Social democracy    13,9 18 10,3 13 14,0 18 15,3 19
Christen-Democratisch & Vlaams (CD&V)
Christian-Democratic & Flemish 
Christian democracy   13,0 16 15,4 19 20,5 27 22,9 31
Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (VLD)
Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats 
Liberalism   8,3 9 13,1 16 14,2 19 15,0 21
Partij van de Arbeid van België (PvdA)
Workers' Party of Belgium
Socialism    8,3 9 5,3 4 2,5 - 1,0 -
De Vlaamse Groenen (GROEN)
The Flemish Greens
Green politics   7,3 9 10,1 14 8,7 10 6,8 7
Union des Francophones (UF)
Union of Francophones
Minority interests (FR)    
0,5 - 0,7 - 0,8 1 1,2 1
Team Fouad Ahidar (TFA)
Team Fouad Ahidar
Minority interests   0,3 1 - - - - - -
Lijst Dedecker (LDD)
List Dedecker
Conservative liberalism
- - - - - - 7,6 8
Others 1,8 - 2,0 - 1,5 - 2,0 -
Total - 124 - 124 - 124 - 124
Turnout  93,5 92,2 92,5 93,1

© 2024 Wolfram Nordsieck. Source: IBZ (www.elections2024.belgium.be). Note: (a) 2010/2014/2019: Socialist Party.Different (SP.A).